Energy prices are at a record high in the UK and experts do not expect to see a return to 2021 levels for quite some time. As a business owner, it is more important than ever before to take steps which will protect your company from increased costs and know where to find help when you need it. In this blog we’ll look at ways to protect your business from rising energy costs, direct you to help if you are struggling to pay your energy bills and sharing useful tips to keep energy bills low.
Energy prices are more expensive than ever before because the price of gas is at an all-time high. Even before the war in Ukraine, there has been an increase in global demand and a shortage of supply which has caused the sharp rise in wholesale prices. This means that it costs your energy supplier more money to buy gas and electricity and the cost is then passed on to you, the consumer in the form of higher bills. The price for business energy is not capped which means that suppliers can increase prices for business customers as much as they want. Many businesses are now struggling with soaring energy costs and still reeling from the strain of the pandemic.
The best way to protect your business from rising energy costs is to lock in existing rates as soon as possible. If your business is not on a fixed rate with your supplier, you could experience significant increases in your rates. This is set to get worse as analysts predict a second surge in October. Not all business energy plans are the same, if you choose the wrong one, your business will end up paying too much for gas and electricity. If you sign up for a business energy deal, you are stuck with that deal for the length of the contract. This means that you might be paying more than you need to for up to five years. The safest and simplest way to get the best business energy deal is to speak to the experts at Comms Connect. We have the technology to help you find the best energy deal for your company. Call us on 020 8457 2470 to find out more about rates from our panel of trusted and quality UK energy suppliers.
Apart from locking in existing rates, there are a few practical steps you can take to keep energy bills low.
Install a smart meter. Smart meters can help you track your energy usage and costs. They can also help you find areas where you could be saving energy. Many energy suppliers offer free smart meters to their customers, contact your supplier to find out more.
Request an energy audit. You can request an audit from your energy supplier to help you find areas where you could be saving energy. The audit will provide advice on how to make your business more energy efficient.
Turn your thermostat down. According to energy experts, if you turn down your thermostat by just one degree, you could save £80 each year on your heating bill. A comfortable temperature for most people is between 18 to 21 degrees. Make sure you don’t exceed 21 degrees and turn the heating off completely when it’s not needed. If it’s warm outside, you don’t need to have the heating on at all, use natural heat sources and open the windows to let fresh air in.
Weatherproof your building. You can reduce the amount of heat that is lost from your building by making sure that it is properly insulated and draught proofed. This will help to keep your building warm in winter and cool in summer, saving you money on your energy bills. Things like installing shutters could help to keep heat in, as well as blocking out sunlight in summer. Solar panels are another great way to reduce your energy bills. They work by converting sunlight into electricity which can then be used to power your business. The initial cost of installing solar panels is high but they will save you money in the long run.
Turn off unused office equipment. There are plenty of office appliances that use energy whilst in standby mode so it’s important to turn them off when they’re not in use. Make sure that computers, printers, photocopiers and any other office equipment is turned off completely when they are not needed.
Change your light bulbs. Replacing old-fashioned (incandescent) light bulbs with CFL or LED lights can make a significant difference to your energy bills. They use approximately 70% less electricity and last much longer than traditional light bulbs. Save energy and money by turning off the lights when they are not needed. You can also buy light sensors to automatically turn off the lights when no one is in the room
Encourage staff to save energy. Employees should be educated about how to reduce energy waste. One way to start is by introducing a ‘green plan’ where staff agree to follow reduction guidelines such as turning off unused office equipment.
If you are struggling to pay your business energy bills, advice is available from Ofgem and Citizens Advice:
If you are still not sure about the best way to save on business energy costs, call Comms Connect. Our friendly team are here to guide you. Call 020 8457 2470 or visit https://commsconnect.co.uk/business-energy/
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