It’s a Monday morning, the M1 has a lane closure, the M25 has an accident, a customer is screaming they need a new delivery and you are a member of staff down. Sound familiar? We don’t need to tell you that managing the logistics of your fleet, whether that is large or small can be challenging.
We have discovered a really clever (and pretty cheap) piece of kit that can take your headache away. It is a plug-and-play device called Auto Mate. It is so clever it can even flag up engine trouble before the vehicle breaks down so you can keep everyone moving. Auto Mate tracks fuel efficiency and plans routes in real time so that you call on the nearest driver to collect that urgent parcel.
Do you have a sneaky suspicion that one of your guys thinks he knows best in terms of route planning? You can know for sure using the “live and historic snail trails feature” and also check whether he/she is speeding.
What about juggling all those lease renewals, tyre changes etc.? It’s easy with Auto Mate’s Odometer readings.
In fact Automate has 17 separate and highly effective functions. Each device costs less than £50 with just £11 pcm so it is easy to buy exactly what you need and quickly add more as you grow, growth of your business is so much more likely with Auto Mate. Fleet and logistic managers are also likely to save on headache pills.