Fusion – Students .

Case study

The Client

Fusion Students is dedicated to providing quality student accommodation which offers a safe and private home away from home. Their accommodations are conveniently situated in top city locations across the UK and come with dedicated study spaces, 24/7 service, friendly staff and a busy social calendar filled with student events and experiences.


The Product

Fixed line, mobiles and leased line with built in disaster recovery

The Customer’s Issue

Fusion’s existing business communications system connected their desk phones and mobiles, but the systems did not work properly. Their VoIP system was unreliable and they had a tough time contacting account managers. They were frustrated by long wait times and poor service, with even the smallest issue taking a long time to fix. Then, a sudden phone wipe out affecting the entire business park threatened commercial disaster.

How we solved it

Fusion’s mobile phone contract was up for renewal and they urgently needed a system which would provide better customer care and which would save them time and money. To solve the technical issues Fusion were experiencing, we installed a new VoIP system and to stop the lengthy delays, we allocated a personal account manager who they could speak to whenever they needed to. We offered Fusion a kit fund arrangement which enabled them to save time and focus on their work projects.

What is a kit fund?

A kit fund allocates a fund for new handsets at the beginning of each year. A customer can call us and request a new handset and it will normally be delivered with 48 hours.

Disaster Recovery

Fusion needed a fail-safe disaster recovery plan that would keep their business operations running in case of a catastrophe. We were able to set up a secure disaster recovery plan which was put to the test in July 2016, when all phones in the area suddenly went down. The loss of connection was due to an external factor and not related to any Fusion equipment. Whilst other businesses in the business park panicked, Fusion’s system was instantly re-routed to their disaster recovery number so that business could continue as usual. When Fusion wanted to re-route to another number, this was achieved within 5 minutes, during the emergency. The disaster recovery plan was a success and Fusion did not suffer any loss of business.

What the Customer Said

“We are absolutely delighted with the service we receive at Comms Connect.

Their IT department is both proactive and extremely responsive; in addition to being useful on a day-to-day basis this ensured we were able to avoid any loss of business during an emergency situation.

Our decision to switch to a kit fund approach has freed a significant amount of staff time, we estimate we have regained an average of a day per month.

The staff at Comms Connect are always friendly and welcoming and deal with our requirements promptly, efficiently and professionally. We would not hesitate to recommend Comms Connect to others”

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